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3 Reasons Why You Should Upgrade Your Electric Motor System

3 Reasons Why You Should Upgrade Your Electric Motor System

Electric motors are used for many kinds of applications. In almost every building, motors are fundamental since numerous types of equipment are dependent on them. These include pumps, fans, air conditioning units, chillers, etc. However, like any other machine, electric motors can also deteriorate and perform poorer over time.

When an electric motor is no longer performing in its optimal condition, electric motor rewinds are usually carried out. Much like generator overhauling, electric motor rewinding ensures that it functions efficiently. However, in some cases, especially when the service life of the motor has been reduced dramatically, replacing or upgrading is the last resort. There are several things to consider when deciding whether to upgrade or replace an electric motor.

Although upgrading the system components of an electric motor requires capital investment, this can be paid back in a short period due to the resultant efficiency savings. Moreover, modern motor systems generally bring various advantages. Suppose you decide to go for an electric motor system upgrade; these are 3 of the benefits you will receive.

1. It minimises energy costs

Globally, electric motors are responsible for almost 70 per cent of the electricity used in industrial facilities. About 45 per cent of the electricity in the world is used to power various electric motors in buildings and industrial processes, such as steel factories, data centers, packaging centers, and food processing plants.

Unfortunately, most electric motors utilised in these facilities are inefficient and outdated. These motors are usually cheaper to buy, but they are pretty expensive to operate because they can eat up the electricity bill. If businesses that rely on motors want to cut their energy costs, it is highly advised that they modernise their motor systems. Modern motor systems usually only use the amount of electricity they need.

2. It ensures future compliance

Energy-saving regulations are already in place in many countries to help encourage industries to update their installed base. These regulations usually specify the minimum acceptable efficiency standards. They are all generally geared towards promoting and implementing energy efficiency in industries.

As energy waste becomes a more pressing issue, it is expected that energy efficiency regulations will get even tighter over the upcoming years. Hence, it only makes sense for businesses to upgrade their electric motors to more than the minimum standards beforehand. This will allow for easier compliance in the future and bring clear energy and cost savings.

3. It enhances efficiency level

While old motors may still operate in good working conditions, they are generally built to meet older and outdated efficiency standards. This entails that an old electric motor system usually runs at a lower than optimal efficiency level, which is a common culprit for unnecessary extra costs that can last throughout the system’s lifetime.

It is worthwhile to update or upgrade an electric motor system before its service life ends to enhance system efficiency. The initial costs of the upgrade are usually outweighed by the long-term savings that result from investing in a modern motor system.


Overall, there are several great reasons for upgrading an electric motor system. All of these benefits can be summarised in a single word – savings. Because modern motor systems operate more efficiently, industries can save a lot from spending so much on energy consumption, maintenance, and repairs. Being compliant with regulations in advance can also spare them from the possibility of paying penalties for non-compliance in the future.