Just like every other equipment out there, motors will run into some sort of failure and eventually breakdown. And when that happens, the troubling question arises.
Is it time for a completely new replacement for your motor? Or will a simple motor rewind easily resolve this problem in an instant?
Below, we will be explaining a couple of key factors you need to look out for when you are thinking about getting a motor rewind or replacement when your motor malfunctions.
How Crucial Is The Motor To Your Business
When you are choosing between a motor rewind or replacement, the first thing that you will need to do is evaluate whether the motor is a critical aspect of your business’s success.
If the motor has to be used constantly or round-the-clock even, then you should consider getting a motor rewind instead to solve the problem. However, in cases where your operational needs are bound to change over time or you have done a thorough check and found rather severe damages, then you know it’s time for a new replacement.
The Condition Of Your Stator Core And Rotor
Once you are done with assessing the motor’s suitability, you will need to check the state that your stator core and rotor is in.
Not every damaged motor can easily go back to its original condition with a simple repair, in certain situations, you will find that the motor is beyond repair. While it is unfortunate, it just means that you have to call up for a company that provides electric generator servicing. It may seem like a costly option, but getting a new and efficient replacement will benefit you in the long run.
The Age Of The Motor
From the very beginning, you should already be considering getting a motor with warranty as that can solve your motor failures with a breeze once you have called up an expert from the original manufacturer that you have bought the motor from.
Based on the Energy Policy Act of 2005 and the Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007, it has been stated that electric motors are more efficient when they have been used for less than 10 years. So if you notice that your motor is older than the specified age or has a lot of damages, you should replace it as soon as you can.
Check For Any Damage To Other Mechanical Parts
Look out for any damages when you are checking other mechanical parts such as the bearing housing, frame and shaft. Assess the extent of the damage, if they are pretty minor then you don’t have to completely replace the motor.
Although a new motor comes with plenty of benefits, you will find that your problem can be easily solved by doing a little repair here and there. Electric motor rewinds have been proven to a pretty cost-effective way of retaining the motor’s condition immediately.
Asses The Cost Of A Motor Rewind And Replacement
While it is pretty obvious that a motor rewind and replacement comes at two very different costs, people still get conflicted when they are just choosing between the two.
What you have to do is to carefully examine your motor’s condition thoroughly, either by doing it on your own, alongside one of your experienced engineers, or better yet, an expert in this line of work. From thereon, you will be able to determine the severity of the damages and the health of your equipment.
Now, the hard part is to see whether it is truly worth it to do a complete replacement. At times like this, you will have to see whether the repair will fix the issue completely or only delay the possibility of a future breakdown yet again. While it may seem costly, sometimes the best option to go for is to spend a hefty sum to benefit from a highly efficient motor for a long period.
What may seem like a futile situation can be turned around without difficulty once you are aware of the various considerations to make when you encounter a possible motor failure. So do what you must and burn these few points into your mind, and you are on your way to making the right decision.